The Parent’s Toolkit: 5 Ways to Affirm Your 2SLGBTQ+ Identified Child 

Your child has come out to you as 2SLGBTQ+ - how incredible that they trust you with this part of themselves! Here are 5 ways that you can affirm your child’s identity.  

  1. Validate Them

    The number one tip we give to parents whose child shares their 2SLGBTQ+ identity with them is to validate them. If your first reaction is one of support, so much will become possible in the future. A great formula for validating your child is Affirmation + Confidentiality + Resources. For example, if your child shares they are non-binary and use “they/them” pronouns, you might say, “Thanks so much for sharing with me. Is that something you just want me to know, or are there others we’ll share this with?” and then, if appropriate, provide them with some supportive resources should they require them.  

  2. Keep your Fears to Yourself

    It's natural for parents to worry about their child's safety and well-being, especially in a world that can be unaccepting of 2SLGBTQ+ identities. However, it's essential to keep your fears in check and not project them onto your child. Instead of focusing on the challenges they may face, focus on providing them with love, support, and encouragement to navigate their identity with confidence. 

  3. Seek out Role Models for you Child

    Representation matters, especially for 2SLGBTQ+ youth who may feel isolated or misunderstood. Take the time to seek out positive role models who share similar identities with your child. This could be through books, movies, community organizations, or online platforms. Exposing your child to diverse role models can help them feel more confident and proud of who they are. 

  4. Be their Advocate

    As a parent, you play a crucial role in advocating for your child's rights and well-being. This may involve standing up to discrimination at school or within your family, educating others about 2SLGBTQ+ issues, and ensuring that your child has access to affirming spaces and resources. By being their advocate, you show your child that you are on their side and will always fight for their rights and dignity. 

  5. Educate Yourself

    It's essential to educate yourself about 2SLGBTQ+ identities, experiences, and challenges. Take the time to read books, attend workshops, and engage with 2SLGBTQ+ communities to deepen your understanding. By educating yourself, you can better support and affirm your child's identity, and become a more effective ally in their journey. 

Looking to bring 2SLGBTQ+ inclusion workplaces to your schools, summer camps, or community organizations? Check out Canvas Programs! We offer many interactive workshops covering the topics of 2SLGBTQ+ inclusion & Consent education for both youth participants as well as teachers, counsellors & community organizers.


Celebrating Pride at Work


The Leader’s Toolkit: 5 Simple Actions that Promote Inclusion